Governor of District 113
Stronger together!
« Lions Clubs Luxembourg »
Jean-Philippe Christienne, Governor of District 113 (Luxembourg)
accompanied by Past Governor Nico Bley (2019/2020).
The world needs the LIONS more than ever.
You have a part to play in this.
Handover of District 113
The Passing of Power was a success in every respect, with a festive atmosphere and discreet musical entertainment...
It felt like a family evening, the big Lions District 113 family reunited with the Multi District 111 Lions from Germany as well as the new Lions from District 113, the young Lions and Lionesses from the LEO Alpha Club "Golden Crown" and their parents and the New Lions from the Lions Club Luxembourg-Altius.
Jean-Philippe celebrated the end of his successful term as Governor and passed the torch to Monique, elected to become Governor 2024-2025 in her turn.
Congratulations and thanks to Jean-Philippe, courage, endurance and success to Monique!
Jean-Philippe CHRISTIENNE Immediate Past Governor and Monique ISEBAERT-LEEMANS Governor 2024-2025
We promote digital inclusion for seniors
Today's society, economy and way of life are strongly influenced by digital technologies, which are rapidly spreading into all areas of life. In this digital world, with its myriad services such as e-mail services, social networks, information services, Internet telephony, video conferencing, streaming music and video, etc., many seniors feel excluded and overwhelmed, and fear losing touch on these digital highways.
We count on our youth
Discover the fantastic and successful project that our young Leos were able to achieve.
We are proud of them!
If you are interested in participating as a young Leo, please contact us, you will be very welcome.
Do you want to become a Leo?
We would be happy to welcome you to our ranks as a young Leo.
Our Lions
didn't miss
the call!
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Contact us
Lions International
District 113 - G.D. de Luxembourg
40, boulevard Napoléon Ier