The Lions Club Luxembourg-Amitié renews its commitment to Nepal

Following the slogan "We serve", the Lions Club Luxembourg - Amitié has renewed its social commitment by supporting for the 4th consecutive year the Nepalese project in the Surkhet district, led by the NGO Aide à l'Enfance de l'Inde et du Népal (AEIN) and its local partner Aawaaj.
The donation of 5'000 Euros will contribute to ensuring quality education for the children, by engaging them in extracurricular activities, and by raising their awareness of children's rights.
A second component of the project focuses on engaging more young people in the development of their villages and the protection of the environment. Finally, marginalized women who are victims of violence and sexual abuse will have access to legal and health services, and will receive financial support to start income-generating activities.
Lions Friendship has supported AEIN since 2017 with a total of €20,000. This funding has contributed to, among other things:
- the acquisition of educational materials for 250 children from poor and marginalized families, enabling them to continue their education
- the financing of scholarships for 242 marginalised children and the distribution of uniforms, shoes, backpacks and pencils
- the establishment of 4 education and leisure centres. 310 children were helped with homework and encouraged to attend school regularly
- 360 women are organised in 18 women's groups and have started savings and micro-credit activities
- 90 women victims of different types of abuse and exploitation improved their livelihoods
150 adolescents have started income-generating activities (sewing, grocery shopping, organic farming, poultry farming, etc.). They earn between 30 and 50 Euros per month.
The activities carried out at the community level have thus directly helped more than 3,400 vulnerable beneficiaries and indirectly 8,000 villagers over the 4 years.