A great example of joint solidarity in the purchase of a 4x4 ambulance for the Ukraine.
Many regions in Ukraine have lost their local hospitals, and to receive life-saving emergency treatment, it is necessary to transport patients to the next available medical center.
Ukrainian emergency services are doing their best to help all victims. However, due to the rapid destruction of resources, there is a shortage of ambulances to reach those most in need.
LUkraine asbl has therefore launched a call to action to support the purchase of at least 10 ambulances for the Dnipro and Kharkiv regions.
The Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes and the Lions Luxembourg Foundation were quick to respond.
The mobilization of Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes President François Zuidberg and his club members helped raise the impressive sum of €23,000 in a very short space of time. The Lions Foundation supported this fine solidarity action with an additional donation of €12,000.
The LUkraine asbl association, for its part, contributed €16,000 towards the purchase of this 4x4 ambulance from France.
In addition to the existing equipment, the ambulance will be loaded with emergency consumables such as haemostatic bandages, tourniquets, burn dressings, antiseptic material and first-aid kits before its departure.
A generator donated by Mr. Paul Galles, a privileged member of the Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes, will be delivered on the same occasion.
The official cheque presentation took place on Saturday April 22nd at the Rollingergrund, in the presence of Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes representatives, Mr. Franz Zuidberg, Mr. Jos Scheeck and Mr. Ben Schanck, Lions District Governor, Mr. Vito Cassone, Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes representatives, Mr. Paul Galles, Mr. Paul Galles, Mr. Paul Galles, Mr. Paul Galles, Mr. Paul Galles and Mr. Ben Schanck. Vito Casssone, representatives of the Lions Luxembourg Foundation, Mrs. Marie-France Fassotte and Mr. Jean-Paul Collin and of LUkraine asbl, represented by its President Mr. Nicolas Zharov, Mr. Eddie Berkovitch and Mr. Ievgenii Smoliak, who took the photo.
Marie-France Fassotte
via mywort