Lions-Amitié at the service of the society

Solemn handover to charitable organisations
Luxembourg. Recently, the members of the Lions-Amitié presented various cheques to charitable organisations during a ceremony. The aim is to support the project work of the respective ONGs and asbls.
In his welcoming speech, Lions-Amitié President Jean-Claude Wiwinius referred to the voluntary commitment of the Lions members. The aim and core of this commitment is to help in society where help is urgently needed. This commitment is supported by the worldwide Lions motto: We Serve. The President of the Social Commission, Nico Bemtgen, briefly described the various activities and organisations of the Lions-Amitié during the past year. Due to the Corona pandemic, not all fundraising activities could take place as originally planned.
Nevertheless, Lions-Amitié was able to distribute more than 20,000 euros to six different organisations: "Aide à l'Enfance de l'Inde et du Nepal asbl", "Action Lutte Contre la Pauvreté asbl" and "Athénée-Action humanitaire asbl" for their respective projects in the field of education for children and young people in Nepal, Nigeria and Cape Verde. The association "E Pak fir Madagascar" was supported with a donation to help children in the context of the famine in Madagascar. Two other donations went to "Touchpoints asbl" for the support and accompaniment of immigrant groups into the labour process, and to the national Lions project "Banque Alimentaire". More than ever, the "Banque Alimentaire" is called upon to support families here in Luxembourg with the most necessary food and essential goods.
The representatives of the various associations were able to receive a cheque from Jean-Claude Wiwinius and Nico Bemtgen.
The thanks for this generous solidarity action of the Lions-Amitié were unanimous.
Nico Bemtgen
via mywort