Where "We Serve" becomes concrete
Lions Club Mameranus organizes book fair for social service projects
Strassen. For more than 30 years, the Lions Club Mameranus has organized a book market at "Schueberfouer" time in the La Belle Etoile shopping center in Strassen, which enjoys increasing popularity. As every year, the proceeds of this event go integrally to the social commission of the L.C. Mameranus. On the basis of clearly defined criteria, the members of this body carefully examine the applications of associations with a social orientation that reach the L.C. Mameranus from home and abroad. Particular attention is paid to associations and also to individuals who have no other social assistance to fall back on and who are often in a rather difficult situation. In its deliberations, the Social Commission attaches great importance to an even distribution of donations at home and abroad, which, however, is not always possible. In the expiring fiscal year 2022/2023, a distribution of 81 percent was noted in favor of domestic projects.
As in the previous year, the association Bletz asbl, which strives for post-covid care by neuropsychologists, was supported with 3 500 euros. A donation is also regularly made to the Association Luxembourg Alzheimer. On the occasion of the Marche Gourmande, the Belle Etoile provided 2 907 euros, the L.C. Mameranus increased to 4 900 euros. Support was again given to the ATE Association Thérapie Equestre, which was able to purchase a new, suitable horse thanks to a donation of 4 500 euros.
On the occasion of a successful Christmas concert, which took place in December on the initiative of the L.C. Mameranus and the collaboration of the Chorale Cantabile Fenteng, the Luxembourg Big Band, the municipality of Hesperingen and LuxEnergie, the main sponsor LuxEnergie provided 10 000 euros, the L.C. Mameranus increased to 15 000 euros. The association Erliefnis Baggerweier, whose social mission is to develop the professional integration or reintegration of people by upgrading the existing infrastructure, received the sum of 2 000 euros for four benches for their action "Bancs pour tous". The Fondation EPI, which excels in organizing remedial courses for disadvantaged young people at risk of leaving school, was able to obtain 5 750 euros in the interest of five young people.
ln connection with the emergency aid approved in spring for Ukraine, Novus Renovation renovated a house for a family for 4 000 euros. The bill was covered by the Social Commission. The family is now well provided for and needs no further assistance. In cooperation with the municipality of Rosport and Kayser Systems, the renovation of a café was carried out in the Sauerstädtchen, which is intended for up to 23 refugees. The L.C. Mameranus has covered the costs for the installation of the kitchen in the amount of 1 450 euros. The Plooschterprojekt association, which promotes stem cell donation and takes DNA samples on site at major sporting events, received 5 550 euros in support of an information campaign on Eldoradio and RTL.
In favor of Special Olympics Luxembourg, which was represented in various sports disciplines at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin in June, the Social Commission supported the basketball team with around 2 900 euros for the purchase of 40 hoodies and 40 rain jackets. Concerts at the Cercle Cité and Bartringen have together raised about 4 500 euros, the L.C. Mameranus has rounded up to 5 000 euros this summer in favor of the action Téléthon.
As indicated, the L.C. Mameranus has also supported international projects. For example, the association Eng Breck mat Latäinamerika (irrigation project) with 3 250 euros; the NGO Ile de Paix Luxembourg (resilience of farming families in Uganda) with 5 000 euros, and the SOS Faim for the development of microfinance institutions in Ethiopia with 5 000 euros.
The fact that the Lions Club of Mameranus is able to contribute so much financially to the many social works is only possible thanks to the annual book market at the Belle Etoile, which this year will take place from Thursday, August 31 to Monday, September 4. Here, for five days, only books in good condition (antiques, reference books, cookbooks, novels and mystery novels) are offered at low prices.
Guest Roderes via mywort