Handing over a check
Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes supports Autism Luxembourg Wiltz
A few days ago, President Franz Zuiderberg and a delegation from the Lions Club Grand-Duché Ardennes were pleased to present a check for 5,000 euros from the proceeds of its traditional golf tournament last July to Director Marc de Geest of the Autisme Luxembourg association..
In 2001, the Roger Thelen Center (RTC) was established in Beckerich, which houses the central services as well as several sheltered workshops that offer adapted activities to increase the independence, personal development and well-being of people with autism.
After a guided tour of the workshops, the LC Grand-Duché Ardennes delegation was very impressed with the facilities where people with autism can lead productive lives with dignity and independence. To conclude this nice meeting, the Lions Club gave a hundred bags with sweets from Santa Claus to the autistic people of the CTR, which made them very happy.
Jean-Claude Koenig
via mywort